What we do
Enabling, equipping, encouraging, and empowering tamariki and whānau to participate in sport and strengthen their health and wellbeing
The core aim is to enable and empower tamariki through participation in sport by equipping them with life skills learnt from rugby and over time other sports
Focusing delivery and support on the key determinants on improved physical activity, emotional wellbeing, whānau involvement, cultural identity and nutrition
How we do it:
Transport - Tamariki are bused to and from trainings, removing a major barrier to participation
Culture - We celebrate the cultural identity and diversity within Aotearoa by using key Māori and Pasifika values
Equipment - Sports equipment can be expensive. We solve this by providing training and playing uniforms, boots, mouth-guards and all other necessities to our tamariki
Mentoring - Provide hands on role models encouraging overall Hauora for a brighter future
Kai - Tamariki are fed before and after training and games including at hot dinner on Wednesdays
Whānau - We understand it takes a community to raise a child, bringing different communities and whānau together to encourage participation and support