Our story
Tamai Sports is a not for profit or community impact organisation which provides children aged 9-13 from the Tamai Learning Cluster in the Eastern suburbs of Christchurch the opportunity to participate in sport. Tamai Sports has been a running a pilot program, using rugby as the vehicle for participation, for the last two years.
The genesis for the program came from ex-Head Boy of Christs’ College Max Goodwin and Assistant Director of Sport Stephen Dods at the end of 2018. Both strongly believe in the benefits gained through sport participation and giving back to the community through a vehicle that they are both passionate about – rugby. Through their already established connection with the Linwood Rugby Club, they approached the Tamai Community of Learning/Kāhui Ako.
As part of the on-going development and growth of Tamai Sports, the project management team has recognised the health and wellbeing benefits associated with participation and involvement in sport and in this case – rugby. The program has been designed to promote a positive social experience for the children, whānau and schools involved and support the learning outcome vision of the Tamai Learning Cluster.
The past two years have taught Tamai Sports many lessons, particularly around the need to further resource the program to widen its reach and achieve its objectives. Alongside, this we recognise the need to undertake steps to formalise our intent to be a community impact organisation by becoming an incorporated society. This will provide us greater access to funding thereby enabling Tamai Sports to further develop its program and scale it in the future to incorporate a range of sporting codes available through the program for children.