In 2024 Tamai Sports has 2 rugby teams:
Tamai Sports Rugby Year 4/5/6 - Mixed
Tamai Sports Rugby Year 7/8 BoysParticipating tamariki come to us from the Tamai Community of Learning and have previously had little exposure to teams sports
Both our rugby teams compete in the CRFU Saturday competitions.
Keep an eye on our socials each week, or the CRFU website for the draw to see where you can watch them!
On Thursday afternoons tamariki are picked up by bus from school and transported to Linfield Park. On arrival they are provided afternoon tea before undergoing a cultural/hauora programme. Following this they head out to the field to train and learn new skills to take to Saturdays game. After training they come back in to the clubhouse to share kai with our other sports and whanau
Participating tamariki are provided with:
Playing Jerseys
Training Tops
Once tamariki have been with us for 2-3 years and turn 12 we support their move into Linwood Rugby Club to continue their rugby careers